I haven’t got much progress done on book two. Once I learn everything to be able to publish Rebirth, I should be able to start working on it again. 

Getting CLOSER

The cover art for the ebook and paperback is in progress, and I should be getting Rebirth back from my editor soon (VERY EXCITING). 

I think I’ve learned how to format for paperback, now I’m working on learning to format for ebook (Amazon and Smashwords).

 My plan is to publish with Amazon for the paperback and ebook since that’s where the majority of sales will come from. I’m going to use Smashwords to distribute to everyone else.





Rebirth book two is being outlined and plotted out. With not having to learn everything from scratch I should be able to have it completed a lot faster then book one. 

First blog

I’m excited, I’ve been working on Rebirth for over six years now. I can finally say that it’s almost ready to be published. It is with my editor now, and I have a cover designer booked for June. It should be available for ebook and paperback no later then the end of the year.

     This has been a big learning experience for me, that’s part of why Rebirth took so long to write. When I started I couldn’t even type. I had no idea what filter words or show don’t tell even was. A month ago I didn’t know how to build a website, I’m still learning but it works. I’m now learning how to format a book.

     It has been amazing watching the short story idea I had grow to become its own world and into a full novel. Complete with two full subplots, Rebirth comes to a simi-completion (no big cliffhangers) and has a happy ending for everyone. (Except Greg, he got blood eagled).